May 28, 2021

Christian Bumper Sticker

Christian Bumper Sticker by Testimony Time is a Christian-based nonprofit organization that provides believers with free Christian Bumper Stickers in pursuit of expanding the Kingdom of God. Their high-quality, vinyl bumper stickers are available in attractive colors with hundreds of messages. Some are even available in foreign languages. If you haven’t already, please go take a look at what they’re doing and order yourself some of their free stickers from their selection list to help share the Gospel and the Word of God!


Rebuild a unified visual system for the brand that allows for a more unique yet smooth approach to navigating through the site.

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy, UX Strategy

  • Design

    Branding, Identity Design, UI/UX

  • Client

    Christian Bumper Sticker

Open Project


We looked to the current trends and decided to take a different approach.

We took inspiration from the stickers they provide as an opportunity to redesign the logo to be contained in such a way as it represents their overall mission and product. The type within the logo uses an unorthodox font-pairing of Fira Sans and PT Mono. The color schematics are subdued to allow the contrasting product to speak through it rather than competing for your attention. The website design now provides breath for interaction and a smooth experience for navigating through the site on all forms of devices.

Let’s collaborate

Send us an email, to discuss a new project.

We’re a team of creatives who are excited about answering the call to creativity with a framework of the Gospel

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